CFS Holiday Party This Saturday!

Trevor & AJ – Earth Presses

CFS Annual Holiday Party!
Join us for a night to celebrate the holiday season and another amazing year together! There will be appetizers as well as a DJ for us!! Dress to impress and please feel free to bring significant others!
Date/Time: Saturday, 12/7 8PM-???
Location: The Social Register
401 D Street, Boston

Burpee breakdown
-5 Burpees
-10 Burpees with no jump
-15 burps
-20 pushups

Power Clean
1 Rep @90%

30 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
25 Burpee Pull-ups
20 Hang Power Cleans
15 Burpee Pull-ups
10 Hang Power Cleans
5 Burpee Pull-ups

Level 3 (115/80)
Level 2 (95/65)
Level 1 (65/35)
ADV (155/105)

Extra Work
3 Rounds
35 Heavy Rope Double Unders or 70 Regular Rope Dubs
8/6 Bar Muscle Ups
50’ Handstand Walk
6 Squat Snatch (135/95)
3:00 Rest

ADV – 48 Heavy or 96 Regular Dubs; 75’HSW; 155/105