March Achievements!
We love to celebrate your accomplishments! Check out your Achievements from the last month below! If we missed any please comment and tell us about it! Keep up the great work and don’t forget to start putting those April Achievements on the board! This is also a great time to check in with your Monthly Goals to the left of the Achievement board as well!
In 3 minutes
15/12 Cal Bike
15 Jumping Squats
AMRAP Plank Hold
Rest 1 minute
In 3 minutes
15 Burpees
15 Scap Pull Ups
AMRAP Hollow Hold
Quad Rolling
E2MOM 12
Front Squat
3 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
3 @ 80%
2 @ 85%
2 @ 90%
2 @ 95%
5 Rounds
In 3 minutes complete:
15/12 Calorie Bike
15 Thrusters (95,65)
Then AMRAP Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
Level 2- 12/10, 75,50
Level 1- 10/8, 55,35
Extra Work
25 GHDs
25 T2b
25 Abmat Situps
50 ft HS Walk
Rest 5 Mins
Repeat in Reverse Order