St. Patty’s Day Murph & Social This Sunday! – CFS


St. Patty’s Day Murph & Social!
We will be hosting our annual St. Patty’s Day Murph on Sunday. Due to the parade and the madness that ensues South Boston on Parade Day, classes will be at 8am and 830am with a social immediately following at the box. We encourage everyone to come and participate and if you are willing and able, bring some food/booze to the social. We will be closing up shop after the brunch to make our way out to the parade. Post to comments if you are able to make it and will be contributing to the social.

Clean and Jerk
2×5 @75%
1×5 @80%
2×3 @85%
2×3 @90%

Rest 90s Between sets.
Unless you are a novice lifter it should be a squat clean and split jerk.

5 Rounds
14 Box Jumps
7 Squat Clean Thrusters (115,75)

Level 2- (95,55)
Level 1- (75,35)