Big Set Swingin’


Outdoors Primarily

Warm Up

2 Rounds
40s on 15s rest
Banded Russain KB swings
Banded SA Floor Press Right*
Banded SA Floor Press Left
Banded Goblet Squat

*free arm extended for added band tension/difficulty

Calf Rolling and Stretching
Pigeon stretch

½ Tabata each Movement
Plank Kettlebell Drags
Kneeling Strict Press RA
Kneeling Strict Press LA
Weighted Glute Bridges Raises*

Hold during the Rest- Top of plank, top of press, top of bridge. 30s transition time between the movements.

*Alternate with single leg each interval for an added challenge

200m-400m-600m-800m Run
Max Unbroken Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5

Complete your run and then your max set of swings. Your score is your time, and your total reps. As soon as you discontinue the continuous swing of the kettlebell your set is over

Level 2- 1.5,1
Level 1- 1,0.75