Bring-A-Toy & Break A Sweat This Saturday! & Benchmark WOD “Filthy 50”


Bring-A-Toy….Break A Sweat!
Join us for our annual Gift Drive & Free Workout Day! This year we’re working to benefit Toys For Tots Boston! Anyone can attend class on this day, whether you’re a current member or not! ALL Fitness levels are welcome and the workout will be beginner friendly. Class is free, we just ask that you bring a new and unwrapped toy to benefit Toys For Tots!! Don’t miss out the event is THIS SATURDAY December 13th. Come on in and break a sweat for a great cause!

If you’re not able to make it Saturday we will be accepting donations through Monday 12/13! The community here has always been great about contributing to our gift drives in the past and it’s greatly appreciated! We’re excited to be collecting for Toys For Tots this year! In 2020 they were able to distribute 93,572 toys and supported 61,538 children in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Northern Plymouth!

“Our mission is to collect and distribute NEW, unwrapped toys as Christmas gifts to those children less fortunate in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, and Northern Plymouth. For the last 73 years, the United States Marine Corps Reserve has distributed over 542 million toys to more than 250 million children. This success stems from great partners, sponsors, and volunteers that help us raise funds and toy donations. Without your help, this program would not be a success!”

45s On|15s Off
1. Lateral Up & Overs
2. Jump Rope
3. Kettlebell Swings
4. Wall Balls
5. Burpees



Knees to elbows are frequently used as a scaling option for Toes to Bar. When executed correctly, they can be harder than Toes To Bar! The biggest challenge is getting your elbows to actually make contact with your knees, which are small surface areas and to achieve this it requires strength and accuracy to hit. Below are a few key points to help with this movement

•Keep your arch position of the kip swing long and legs together tight.
•Press down on the pull up bar to come into the hollow of your kip swing and to move your hips behind the bar.
•Draw the knees up and in towards the elbows.
•Actively drive your elbows towards your knees.
•Giving a slight bend in the elbow will help to draw your elbows closer to your knees.

Above is coach Sarah showing the RX version along with some challenging scaling options. Knees to triceps and knees to chest

“Filthy Fifty”
50 Box jump, 24|20
50 Jumping Pull-ups
50 Kettlebell Swings 1 pd
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Press 45|35
50 Back Extensions*
50 Wall Ball Shots 20|14
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

*Sub Superman’s

Level 2 – Dirty 30 – 30 Reps each
Level 1 – Terrible 20 – 20 reps each

Extra Work
Bench Press @ Bodyweight
Strict Pull Up