Benchmark WOD “Annie”

Ben & Chris – This Uber Is Lit!

Outdoors Primarily
Please do not park in the lot

Warm Up
90-60-30 seconds of each
Jump Rope*
Plank Ups**

*work in dubs at some point
**make plank more challenging by performing on one leg, one arm or one arm and one leg across the body

1 Minute Each Station No Rest
-KB Swings*
-Up and Over the KB Push Ups
-Goblet Squats
*30s Russian/ 30s American

Calf Mash
Shoulder Mash

WOD 1 (15 Minute Cap)
Double Unders

Level 2- ½ reps of double unders
Level 1 – 2x single unders, 30-25-30-20-10 Sit-ups

10 Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5
10 Push-ups
100M Run

Level 2- 1.5|1
Level 1- 1|0.75
ADV- Kettlebell Snatch

Extra Work
3 Rounds of
24|18 Cal Echo Bike
12 Bar Muscle Ups*

*Scale Bar Mups as necessary to complete in no more then 2-3 sets the 1st round or sub 2X or 1X C2B Pull Ups