Endurance Class Update
Just a reminder that there will be NO Endurance class tonight. Our 8-week program has come to a close.. can you believe it?! Don’t forget to sign up for the Superhero 5K to test your improvement after eight weeks of hard work. Don’t forget to use the code “SOUTHIE20” to receive 20% off your registration! The CFS Endurance crew is going to represent!
If you enjoyed the Endurance programming and are looking for something similar to do with a group, be sure to check out our Conditioning Classes that meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30am. Please not that these classes DO count toward your weekly membership total and are not open to non-CFS members.
Squat Snatch
WOD (10 min hard cap)
30 Snatches for Time (135,95)
Level 2 (115,75)
Level 1 (95, 50)
There were very few comments/times/scores from previous Isabel workouts. Please post all your information to the comments section. It can be referenced later to see progress.
400m Run
50 Sit-ups
Conditioning Class: WOD
800m Run
600m Run
400m Run
200m Run
Rest 1:1
Conditioning Class: Core
20 Hollow Rocks
10 Jane Fondas / side
20 Supermans
10 Jane Fondas / side
20 Hollow Rocks