Reminder: Endurance class will meet at the track tonight at 6pm. See you there!
We’re running an October SPECIAL on our FALL themed Crossfit Southie Hooded Zip! We’ve got limited sizes available so stop by the front desk and get yours for only $30!!!
Ring Dip
Ring Push-ups
adv- complete weighted reps
“Awful Waffle”
40 Calories on the rower
35 Double Unders
30 Kettlebell swings (1.5/1)
25 Hand release push-ups
20 Deadlifts (225,145)-strip bar when done
15 Hang Power Cleans (135,95)
10 Shoulder to Overhead
Level 2 (205/115, 125/75)
Level 1 (125/75, 95/45), 70 Singles, 1,0.75
Click Here “Aweful Waffle” Scores/Comments from 11/12/12
Conditioning Class: WOD
Tabata Mashup
Tabata Airdyne for Cals
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Burpees
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Row for Cals
Rest 2 minutes
Tabata Double Unders
Conditioning Class: Core
4 x 5 strict leg raises
*Add weight if able