From Pat

Saturday August 2nd…what can I say about that day?

Finding the right words is tricky, but the first thing I want to say is thank you. A special thank you to Goose, Ames and the Southie community, and an additional thank you to the 40+ other gyms that participated in the workout, helped to raise money, and raise my spirits. I arrived at Southie at about 8:15am. People were already hitting up the WOD and there were a lot of people in the building. As the day went on more and more people kept coming in and throwing down. At times I sat and watched and appreciated; at times I stood and cheered; at times I chatted with friends, just catching up and feeling like myself (I think most people could understand most of the words I said, which was nice).Pat1

The outpouring of support was so awesome and at times overwhelming. I find myself sometimes thinking “I can’t believe this is all for me. What have I done to deserve this?” But it’s undeniable that it’s uplifting, and inspiring. I wanted to do the workout SO BADLY… especially as I watched to “top heat” wondering how I would compare, and thinking to myself “I wouldn’t be taking that break right there,” or “Could I do the cleans unbroken throughout? Would that be smart?” Although I obviously cannot do THAT workout right now, I went back to the box Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Overkill you ask…….? YUP! It sure was, I limped INTO the gym on Wednesday before doing the Triple 3s WOD and have been paying for it since. But hey, no one ever got very far by taking it easy and playing it safe right? RIGHT?!?!

At the moment I have about 3 weeks before I start chemo and radiation and the docs all say I won’t feel bad until about 2 weeks into treatment. So essentially, I have about a 5 week window of feeling good, and during that time I will be as active as possible. I hope to be at CFS often and hope to see as many people as I can, from my close friends, to people I just met over the weekend who came up and just said hi or had some words of encouragement or just wished me the best. Every single person did their part to help boost my spirits and I appreciate it all so much.

So once again, thank you to Crossfit Southie and the entire Southie fam. I cannot express how much it all means to me.

Forever grateful,
Pat P

Partner WOD
100 Calorie Row
90 Box Jump overs
80 Calorie Row
70 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
60 Calorie Row
50 Toes to Bar
40 Calorie Row
30 Synchronized Push-ups
20 Calorie Row
10 Synchronized Burpee Pull-ups

*Partition reps/cals however you choose. One person works at a time except during synchronized movements.

Level 3-80-60-40-20-20 Row
Level 2- 70-70-50-50-30-30-20-20-10-10
Level 1- 50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5

Lower Body