Parking and Running

The First Fran Underway
The First Fran Underway

Just a reminder to everyone that Pier Transmission is our neighbor. They own the lot over by the running path and they allow us to use their lot during nights and weekends. Parking in their lot during the  late morning and mid-day classes is not pemritted (7:30am,9am,11am,12pm). Please use our lot, street parking, and if you are really in a pinch park along the BCBS fence. They have the right to tow you out of there, so please do not chance it.

Also, when running or using sleds please yeild to the cars driving through there. They have the right of way and the worst thing would be to see someone get injured. We know you want fast times, but we are a city gym and need to be cautious. Move to the side always if a car is coming, please don’t make them go around you.

Thanks for your consideration! The happier our neighbors are the easier it is for everyone. Now go crush Fran!

Thrusters (95,65)

Level 2 (75,55)
Level 1 (65, 35)