Today we are taking part in the American Cancer Society and its Coaches vs. Cancer initiative. We are joining together with the local CrossFit Community to honor cancer survivors, improve awareness about reducing cancer risk, and to raise money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease through the first-ever Rx for a Cure WOD .
To donate for the cause through the CrossFit Southie team, please click here. We will also be collecting at the gym for those who choose not to donate online. I think that we can all agree that Cancer sucks. Come in today and show this workout who’s boss and please donate. No amount is too small!
RX for Cure
10 hang snatches (115,75)
400m run with MB (20,14) +5 squats every 100m
10 Hang Squat Clean Thusters (115,75)
400m run w/ MB (20,14)+ 5 squats every 100m
10 SDLHP (115,75)
400m run w/MB (20,14) + 5 squats every 100m
10 bar facing Burpees
Rest 10 mins
Level 2- (95,55)
Level 1- (75,35), (14,10)
Teams of 4
Relay Style
3 Rounds
15/12 Calories on the AD or Erg
15 Wallballs
50 Double Unders
Rest Station
Level 2- 12/10 Cals, 12 Wallballs, 25 Double Unders
Level 1- 10/8 Cals, 10 WallBalls, 50 Single Unders