Using Your Fitness For Fun!
Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the Crossfit scene, participating in a local competition can be a great experience with more value than you think. You don’t have to be a regional or games hopeful to enjoy a day of fitness with your friends.
If you are/were a runner or know someone that is, think about how many local road races you’ve done. How many of the people that you run with are training for the Olympic Trials or to win The Boston Marathon? Probably very few if any. Regardless, hundreds of people sign up for road races every weekend. They do it because races are a fun activity that you can enjoy with your friends and that usually involves a post race celebration/party of some sort. Crossfit competitions are no different!
There are a number of fun parts to competing; new outfits, creative team names, and so many pictures, just to name a few! Here are three of the top reasons why you should put yourself out there and sign up for a competition today!
1. Meet New People
Community plays a huge roll in the success of Crossfit. Think about how many people who are in your life because you decided to give Crossfit a try. A local competition is a chance to make that community even bigger and meet new people outside of your gym. The athletes and spectators at Crossfit events tend to be very supportive of each other just like they are at your own box. The best part about meeting others at a competition is that they are like-minded, hard working and supportive people!
2. Surprise Yourself
You’ll always push harder in a competition than you would on a regular class day. The combination of excitement, nerves and the support of your team or gym behind you makes for an extra push that you wouldn’t normally feel during a work out. You don’t have to win every or any event to get that feeling of accomplishment knowing you put more effort in to this work-out than you ever have before. You’ll walk away from the day with at least one moment of “I had no idea I could do that”!
3. Celebration and Motivation
Use your competition day to celebrate the work you’ve put into your training so far. Be proud of how you were able to perform because of your consistent training. How great would it feel to do kipping pull ups in a competition because you’ve been working on them for months? Then, take away the things that may not go as planned on competition day and use that for motivation and future goals. There may be an event or movement that you wish you had done better with, good, now you have more guidance with your training. Come up with a plan when you get back into the gym and turn those weaknesses into strengths. Overall, competition day should be a fun experience and can appeal to any fitness level!
Feeling motivated now? Here are two opportunities for you to throw your hat in the ring!
Spring Cleaning Team Competition!
Grab a friend and join us for an amazing competition at Crossfit Reach. We are rolling deep for this one so you won’t want to miss out. Crossfit Reach knows how to throw a great competition! Just ask BCaslin who’s featured on the sign up page from one of their comps last year! The competition is Co-Ed and there is a RX and Scaled division. Competition standards and registration can be found here.
Event Details
Date: Sunday, May 7th
Time: 8:30AM-3PM
Cost: $169.00 per team
Third Annual In-House Team Throwdown: Saturday, June 10th
Save the date for our third annual In-House Team Throwdown! This is always our favorite event of the year filled with fun, fitness and new friends. Trust us… you won’t want to miss it! This competition is for everyone: first time competitors, newbies, long time members, seasoned competitors, and everything in between. This is a fun, no-pressure opportunity to get a taste of what competing is like. More importantly, it’s an opportunity to meet some new people at the gym… because we’ll be making the teams for you!
Teams will be co-ed and will be made up of 2 Rx athletes and 1 scaled athlete. You will choose the division you wish to participate in and then complete the workouts with the prescribed weights or movements for that division. For example, take a look at this hypothetical WOD:
As a team, complete 150 Thrusters for time
Rx: 95, 65
Scaled: 65, 35
In this workout, you would perform your thrusters at weight designated for your division, and then tag in your teammate. He or she would then continue on with their reps at a different weight, and so on.
Not sure which division you should sign up for? Use these suggested standards as a guideline.
Rx Division
Double Unders
Unassisted Pull ups
Box Jumps 24, 20”
Wallballs 20/14# to 10’ Target
Ground to Overhead 135, 95
Scaled Division
Single Unders
Jumping Pull ups
Box Jumps OR Step ups 24, 20”
Wallballs 14/10# to 10’ target
Ground to Overhead 95, 65#
Your coaches will be creating the teams to make sure that they are fair AND to shake things up a bit so that we all have a chance to meet some new faces at the gym. We’ll announce the teams and workouts ahead of time so that you can get together with your team to meet and come up with a game plan. Creative team names and outfits are HIGHLY recommended and encouraged, though not required.
As always, we’ll close the day out with some beers, ciders, and a barbecue in the parking lot. There will definitely be corn hole… and maybe the return of the dunk tank? It’s the best way to kick off the summer! We really hope that EVERYONE can make it and participate! If you are on the fence, talk to someone in class who did it last year or ask one of your coaches… we will help convince you!
Event Details
Date: Saturday, June 10th
Time: 8:30AM Check-In
Cost: $20.00
4 Rounds
15 Power Snatches (95,65)
30 Wallballs
15 Toes to Bar
60 Double Unders
Rest 1 Minute
Level 2- 75, 50
Level 1- 55,35