1st Place :Chris Cunningham
Prize: $700
Weight loss: 19lbs (9% of body weight)
Waist: -2.5 inches
Hip: -1 inch
Points: 1,019
Fran: 4:00 to 3:22!!
Clean and Jerk: 230 to 235
Christine: 9:57 to 9:05!!- One of the fastest times in the gym
Just like is any CrossFit competition, you have to be good at everything to win. Chris, or more popularly HAM, was the most well rounded out of everyone which is what made him a clear winner. Measurements, benchmarks, and points were all exceptional. We also need to add that HAM was on the first responder team that won last weekend, and he is training for the Boston Marathon. Crazy mofo.
I remember a year ago talking to HAM and complementing him on his improvements at that time. He told me then that he would never reach is full potential in CrossFit because he would never give up pizza and beer on the weekends. Well, he proved himself wrong. It is especially cool to see someone win who has been doing CrossFit for over a year before the challenge and get this level of results. It is a great testament to the paleo principles.
2nd Place: Tied- Nick Deprizio & Hilary Winans
Prize: $350 each!
Nick’s Results:
Weight Loss: 19.8lbs (9.2% BW)
Waist: -2.5 in
Hip: -2.5 in
Points: 909
Fran: 8:25 blue band to 6:08RX
Clean and Jerk: 200 to 210lbs
Christine: 14:30 to 11:55
Hilary I need some pictures of you!!
Hilary’s Results
Weight Loss: 12lbs (7% body weight)
Waist: -3 inches
Hip: -1 Inch
Points: 1,059
Fran: 14:15 green&blue band/53lbs to 8:00 blue band/55lbs
Clean and Jerk: 95 to 115lbs!
Christine: 19:45 to 15:59 @130
3rd Place: Lissa Rudnick
Prize: $200
Lissa’s Results
Weight Loss: 16.2lbs (9% body weight)
Waist: -4.5 Inches
Hips: -2 Inches
Points: 1,014
Fran: 8:56 Green Band/55lbs to 8:04 GB/55lbs
Clean and Jerk: 103 to 100lbs
Christine: 2 +row and 8 reps @15:00 to 16:56
Rachel Cohen
Lost 8lbs- Not bad for someone who is as tall as Snookie. Looking good Rach!!
Bill Panteleakos
Down 8lbs and looking good!
Lil John
Lost 7 inches off his waist!! Holy smoke.
Meg P
Lost 8 lbs!!
She was too shy to take her shirt off before, but check her out after! Levida lost 9 lbs, 2 inches off her waist, and 2.5 inches off her hips.
Kyle Miller
Down 12.6lbs and took an inch off his waist. Kyle’s Fran time went from 8:42 to 5:10RX. Kyle also had one of the highest point totals with 1,054. Solid effort, he just missed placing!
Kevin Callahan
Down 16lbs, 4 inches off the waist, and 2 inches off the hips. Kevin cut his Fran time from 13:02 with #75 and a green and blue band, to a time of 8:21 with #75 with a green and red band. His Clean and jerk also increased from 185 to 205. Kevin kept up wit the point system, but didn’t quite keep up woth some of the point ninjas which is kept him from the top 4.
Ben H
Lost 15.5lbs, 5 inches off his waist and 3 inches off his hips.
Sorry guys, I know I missed mentioning a lot of you, but there were sooo many people who kicked ass during this challenge! Melissa Hicks lost 10lbs, Kate Hanson dropped 7, Jason Thorton went from 7:27 with #75lbs on Fran to 6:43RX. The list goes on and on! Very exciting!! Please post your success stories to comments 🙂
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps (M 24″ box / F 20″ box)
12 Push press (M 115 lb / F 75 lb)
9 Toes-to-bar