Networking Night

Mary Chris
Mary Chris

WOD for Gilly
Tomorrow is the WOD for Gilly at the BPD. It is scheduled for 10am, but if anyone would like to go later in the day, Jenn Penton and Jason Thorton are going at 4:30pm. If you are interested in doing the WOD after work, please email Jenn: [email protected] so that she can give an appropriate headcount to the staff.

Paleo Challenge Update
Save the date! The next Paleo Challenge will kick off on April 6. Next Thursday, March 27 at 7pm, we’ll be hosting a lecture to fill you in on all things Paleo, and what you need to know about the challenge. See you there!

Networking Night
When: TOMORROW, Thursday, March 20th. First Day of Spring!!!! (sort of)
Where: Southie Orange
Time: 6:30-8:30pm

“It’s good to know people”. How many times have you heard that saying? Our networking events are great for getting to know other professionals within our community. These people pour out their blood, sweat and tears next to you everyday, who better to work with professionally? You may find that they offer a service you have been searching for on Google for weeks. Or maybe you have a service that you want to bring to the community. The CFS Networking Night will be a great opportunity to make connections.

Aside from professional reasons, the event will be a fun gathering that will allow members to get to know one another. There will be some physical activity, so come dressed as you normally would to the box. The 6:30 and 7:30 Class in Southie Orange will be canceled and the space will be reserved for the Networking event. There will be icebreakers and team related workouts that are reasonable for all ability levels. Afterwards we will have a few brews for everyone to hang out. We hope that you will join us. To sign up please click below here.


Alternating Tabata
1. L-sit
2. Hollow Rocks

Partner WOD
100 Box Jumps
100 Toes to Bar
100 Wallballs
100 Calories on the Rower
-Partition the reps as you would like. Only one partner works at a time.
Level 1- 70 Reps of Each