Warm-up (15-20 minutes)
10 Front squats -empty barbell
10 Push presses- empty barbell
Add some light weight
7 power cleans
7 squat cleans
7 push jerks
7 split jerks
-stretch as needed and warm-up with extra weight as necessary
Oly (10 min)
Competition Style
in 10 minutes establish a 1RM clean and and jerk. There can be no more than 4 attempts and the bar must start unloaded. It does not have to be a squat clean and split jerk, but there are no press-outs allowed. You can work with one other person if space is limited.
WOD (17 minutes)
6 Minute AMRAP
6 Squat Clean Thrusters
X Muscle-ups
Rest 3 Minutes
3 Overhead Squats
X Toes to Bar
Games 135/95,6/4,10
Regional 135/95,4/2,8
Open 115/80,2/1,6
**400m sprint for every round missed from the EMOM**