Unbroken AD

Goose - Staying over the bar
Goose – Staying over the bar

6 – 8 – 10
front squats
high hang cleans
spilt jerks
Run 300m after each set

Spend 5-7 min working on overhead position

1. EMOM 1-5
2 Squat Cleans @80%
2. EMOM 6-10
2 Split Jerks @80%
3. EMOM 11-15
1 Clean and Jerk @90-100%

WOD (20 minutes)
3 Unbroken Rounds for Time
40 Double Unders
30 Wallballs
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Games- As written
Regional- 15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Open- 30 double unders, 20 Wallballs, 12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

If you break up your unbroken set, you have the choice to start over, or run 400m and then finish your set.