Tuezzzday – CompetitorWOD


15/12 Cal Bike
100m Sandbag Hug Carry
20 Pronated Ring Rows with feet elevated on a box
100m farmers Carry
• Share equipment and complete in any order to get a taste for the WOD

1. Push-press
Choose from the weights below and complete for sets for max Reps

a. 185/125 +10/5lbs
b. 165/115+ 10/5lbs
c. 135/95 + 10/5lbs

Increase in weight for the 4 sets by the number indicated under your letter option. If you re-dip under the bar, your set is over. Report your letter and total reps to the white board.

2. Back Squat

3 Rounds
20,15 Calorie bike
100m Farmers Carry (135, 95 each handle)
15 Burpee Box jumps
100m Sandbag Hug (84,60)
10 Muscle-ups

Regional- 5 Muscle-ups, (115,80 each handle)
Open- 3-2-1 Muscle-ups (95,65 each handle)