2 Rounds
40s Work|15s Rest
-Ski Cals
-Scap Pull Ups*
-Burpee Box Step Ups
-SA Alternating Russian Swing
-Bottom’s Up Waiters Walk**
*Rd 2 – Kip Swings
**Switch sides on round 2
Stone Hugs
Bar Muscle-up
E3MOM 27
1. 18|12 Calorie Bike + Complex:
5 Kipping Pull-ups
4 Chest to bar Pull-ups
3 Bar Muscle-ups
2. 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs
20 Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5
3. 20|15 Calorie Ski
200 Foot Hug Carry Carry 150|90
Work-Out Flow – complete bike + pull-ups then rotate to burpee box jumps and snatches, and then the Sandbag and ski, 3 times
Level 3 –
15|10 Cal Bike, 5 Kipping + 4 C2B + 3 Strict Pull Ups
10 BBJ, 15 Kettlebell Swings 2|1.5
15|12 Cal Ski
Level 2 –
15|10 Cal Bike, 5 Kipping + 4 C2B + 3 Strict Pull Ups
10 BBJ, 15 KBS 1.5|1
12|9 Cal Ski
Level 1 –
12|8 Cal Bike, 5 Ring Rows + 4 Kipping + 3 Strict
10 BBJ, 0.75|1
9|6 Cal Ski
Extra Work
Open WOD 11.3
Squat Clean
Jerk must be completed after the Squat Clean each time. Thrusters are allowed.
Scoring – 1 point will be awarded for each squat clean and 1 point for each jerk. 2 points for a Thruster.