Grab a kb
10 goblet thrusters
5 singla arm snatch
5 windmills
Switch arms
5 arm bars
1 turkish get up
Switch arms
Repeat with a heavier kb
Then anterior shoulder kb smash
Work up to a max load for the complex
1 Clean (full squat)
1 Push-jerk
1 Split jerk
WOD (20 Minute Cap)
For Time:
60 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
50 Wallballs
40 Deadlifts (205,135)
Every Minute on the Minute Complete X Burpee Muscle-ups
Games- 3
Regional- 2
Open- 1 or 3 Burpee Pull-ups, (185,115)
Masters – (1.5,1), 1 or 3 Burpee Pull-ups, (185,115)
2 Minute L-sit hold hanging from the pull up bar
-Accumulate 2 minutes, time each hold until you reach the full 2 minutes.