We are pleased to announce that our newest member of the month is Thomas Patterson! Thomas is extremely dedicated – not only to his own training goals, but also to making CFS a better place for everyone. He’s always got a smile on his face (even on overhead squat day!) and is the first to lend a helping hand when we need it. We’re lucky to have him in our community! Read below to get to know Thomas, and be sure to give him a big high five next time you see him at the box!
First of all, thank you for selecting me as member of the month and thanks to all of the amazing coaches at CrossFit Southie. This is truly an outstanding community,
· Starting with the members: hardworking, encouraging, friendly, helpful. You make it fun to come to class. Thanks! Special shout out to the 7pm class! You guys are great!
· The coaches: it’s mind blowing to have so many great coaches that are also great people, I’ve learned so much from all of you. Thanks!
· Lastly, Goose & Amy: you can’t have any of this without a good foundation and what you have built at CrossFit Southie should be a model for all. It is definitely shaping the training of my baseball players. Thank you for allowing me to soak up as much training knowledge as possible.
How did you get involved in CrossFit? What was your first WOD/experience?
One of my best friends is a member of CrossFit Florian; she convinced me that I would love it.
My first WOD was 400m Run, Two Rope Climbs and Burpees. After seeing athletes fly up and down that rope, all I could think of is being able to do it too. I also consider the beginners class as a first WOD. I came to CrossFit In Shape… I left the beginners class thinking…What the, that’s a beginner’s class…I’m so out of shape. (Both WODs were with coach Tina-Mo)
When did you start coming to CrossFit Southie?
I started CrossFit Southie in August 2012.
Is this the first CrossFit you’ve worked out at / how long have you been CrossFitting for?
Yes, CrossFit Southie was my first and I’ve been here for a little over a year.
When did you realize that CrossFit was right for you?
At the beginner’s class, and re-enforced after the first week. I love the way we push and encourage each other to work up to our capacity.
What are your short-term and long-term CrossFit goals?
My short-term goals are:
1. Working on my flexibility so I can add weight to my overhead squats.
2. Increasing my strength.
3. Getting my first muscle up (Bar and Ring).
4. HSPUs in a WOD.
My long-term goals are:
1. Continue soaking up as much knowledge as possible from all of the amazing coaches.
2. Completing WODs Rx.
What is your biggest accomplishment?
Overhead squats with weight on the bar. I couldn’t do an OHS with a PVC when I started.
What is your favorite / least favorite WOD/movement?
I love WODs with rope climb, burpees and wall balls, but I like all of them.
My least favorite would have to be overhead squats, if I don’t get more flexibility in my shoulder my arm may fall off.
What do you do for a profession outside of CrossFit?
I am a Sr. Applications Developer at Loring Wolcott & Coolidge Trust where I develop and maintain windows and web based applications.
What are your hobbies outside of CrossFit?
Golf, bowling, running, video games and basketball.
I’m a coach of the Boston Astros (Ages from 13 to 21). We play in city, state, region and national tournaments. I played for the Astros growing up. Here is a link to our most recent accomplishment!
Martial Arts:
I’ve studied Kempo Jujitsu for over 15 Years.
Do you eat Paleo or Zone? What is your favorite paleo/non-paleo meal?
I would say I eat paleo about 80% of the time. My favorite paleo food is Pancakes w/Carmel
My favorite non-paleo food is Pizza and Mac & Cheese.
Fun fact?
1. I’m a 1st Degree Black belt in Kempo Jujitsu.
2. I love almost all sports
3. I played on the same baseball team as Hank Aaron’s son and nephew (Florida A&M )
On Friday, PM classes will be held in Southie Green only. 330,430,530 & 630pm classes are cancelled to prepare for the throw-down. We could use some help. If you are free, stop by the box and help set up.
Back Squat
Tabata Fun
Rest 1 minute between movements
Air Squats
Sumo Deadlift High pull (75,55)
Shoulder to Overhead (75,55)
Level 2 (65,45)
Level 1 (45,35)
* Score is the sum of the lowest rounds