Workouts – There will be 5 WODs for everyone and a Final WOD for the top athletes in the RX division which will be announced at the end of DAY 2.
“Jerry Swinger”
10 Minute Cap
30 Wallballs (20/14)
30 Kettlebell swings (2,1.5)
60 Box Jumps (24,20)
30 Kettlebell Swings
30 Wallballs
RX -20,14lb Wallball/2,1.5 Swings/24,20 Box Jumps
Scaled- 14,10lb Wallball/1.5,1 Swings/ 20 inch Box Jumps; Step Ups Permitted
Score will be your finish time. If you do not finish the workout in the 10 minute time cap, one second will be added for each rep not completed.
Wall Balls – Hip crease below the knee, ball must make contact with the specified target. Cannot play the bounce off a previous rep. The medicine ball must completely settle on the ground before proceeding to the next rep. The medicine ball can be picked up and launched from bottom position as long as hip crease is below the knee. The medicine ball must remain in the athletes lane after each rep including the final rep of each set. Failure to do so will result in a no rep.
Kettlebell swings– The athlete must show the arms completely locked out overhead stacked above the shoulder, hip and ankle. The athlete should bring the kettlebell to their body, not their body to the kettlebell. A good rep will require the kettlebell to be pointed up (no droopy kettlebells) at the top. Dropping kettlebells from above the shoulders or the kettlbell bouncing out of the athlete’s lane will result in a no rep.
Box Jumps– Athlete must show full control on top of the box and stand to full extensions with the hips stacked atop the shoulders and ankles. Rebounding is permitted. Step ups in the Rx division is not permitted.
Establish a max weight for the complex:
1 Hang Squat Snatch
2 Overhead Squats
An attempt will be made every 2 minutes for 10 minutes.
Each athlete must begin at one of the predetermined starting weights and are allowed 2 attempts during the 2 minute interval. If successful the athlete will ascend in weight every 2 minutes in increments of 10lbs for the RX men, and 5lbs for the other divisions. 45 lb bar for men and 35 lb bar for women.
Each athlete will choose from one of the following weights to for their opening lift:
RX Men 135,155,175,195,205
RX Women 85,95,105,115,135
Scaled Men 85,95,105,115,135
Scaled Women 45,55,65,75,85
A maximum of 2 attempts at each weight. For safety reasons, in order for a rep to be successful the bar/athlete must remain in their lane throughout the entire lift. If both attempts are failed, the athlete may not continue on. A maximum of 5 sets of weights can be attempted.
The athlete may accumulate deadlifts as a tiebreaker. Deadlifts may not be started until the one minute mark and will add one point each to the total weight lifted. Two attempts at the complex are not necessary before accumulating deadlifts at the one minute mark. If you do not make your starting weight, your score will be the number of deadlifts completed in the minute.
Movement Standards
Hang Squat Snatch– The athlete must establish a clear pause at the hip before attempting the hang snatch. The bar may not descend below the knee once the hang is established. If the bar descends below the knee or is dropped, this will count as a failed attempt. One fluid movement is required in the RX divison. A power snatch into overhead squat, followed by 2 more overhead squats to complete the complex, is acceptable for the scaled division but not for the Rx division. At the bottom the hip crease must pass below the knee. Full extension must be shown at the top with control of the bar and feet underneath the hips.
Overhead Squat– Hip crease below the knee, full extension at the top with control of the bar.
DeadLift – Both plates touch the ground at the same time, full extension with shoulders, hips and ankles stacked at the top. Touch and go is permitted but bouncing will not be allowed.
“Loop, Swoop, Pull and Push”
In 10 Minutes complete:
1 Mile Run
AMRAP Clean and Jerks (165,105)
RX Men 165
RX Women 105
Scaled Men 105
Scaled Women 75
Your score will be your total accumulated Clean & Jerks. You will not be scored separately on the run.
Run – 3 loops around the building. Anyone that does not follow the predetermined course will be scored a 0 for the event.
Clean and Jerk – Both weights must start on the ground, make contact with the shoulders and then must be completely locked out over head with feet underneath the hips, showing control and full extension. For safety reasons, in order for a rep to be successful the bar/athlete must remain in control and in their lane throughout the entire lift.
“Gas Pedal” – 8 min time cap
For time:
750m Row
100 Double Unders
30 Burpees- Over the Paralette
Scaled- 100 Singles. Can choose to complete double unders instead of singles before the workout starts, but they will be scored the same. You cannot switch back and forth.
Score will be your finish time. If you do not finish the workout in the time cap, one second will be added for each rep not completed.
Row– Must hold handle until 750m is completed. 5 burpee penalty for premature grabbing of the handle before the go or release of handle before the full 750m is complete on the screen. Athlete will be required to fold up their rower before moving onto the double unders. Double under accumulation will not occur until done properly.
Double Unders– Rope passes underneath twice, if you trip on the rope that last double under does not count. Scaled division will complete single unders with the same amount of reps.
Burpee over the Paralette– Burpees are to be performed lateral to the parallete. The athletes Chest must make contact with the ground, and if it is questionable the athlete will be asked by the judge to release their hands. Both feet jump over the paralette together at the same time. If you skip over or trip, you can re jump without performing another burpee. The movement concludes with the jump.
8 Minute AMRAP
30 Chest to bar pull-ups
25 Thrusters (115/75)
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Thrusters
10 Bar Muscle-ups
5 Thrusters
RX- 115,75
Scaled- 75,45/Chin over the bar pull-ups with blue band/10 bar muscle-ups=10 pull-ups
Yes there are Bar Muscle-ups in this workout, and no they were not listed in the registration standards, we did that on purpose. Those who can complete the workout with the bar muscle-ups will be rewarded for their gymnastic skills. Those who do not have bar muscle-ups will not be penalized in any way. They will be ranked by their tiebreak time similar to the CrossFit Open.
Scoring – The athletes score will be the total number of reps completed during the 8 minutes. If the athlete completes the sequence, they will start over at the top until the 8 min mark is reached. There will be a tiebreak time at the completion of the 15 Thrusters for those unable to complete any bar muscle ups, in the RX division.
Chest to bar pull up– arms must be fully extended at the bottom and chest (below the clavicle) must make contact with the bar.
Thrusters– The athlete may squat clean the first rep. Hip crease must clearly be below the knee. Full extension, with control at the top with bar locked out over the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle is required at the top of each rep.
Bar Muscle Ups– The athlete must start each rep with the arms fully extended. The rep is not concluded until full extension of the triceps above, not behind, the pull up bar is achieved. Fade away no reps will be strictly enforced.