Today we honor two of Boston’s fallen heroes. We will forever remember their sacrifice in the line of duty and choose to commemorate them the best way we know how as crossfitters- through a grueling WOD . Lt. Walsh, 43, was married and had two sons and a daughter under the age of 10. He lived in West Roxbury and his father is a Watertown firefighter. He had been on the job for 9.5 years.
FF Kennedy, 33, had been on the job for 6.5 years and was assigned to Ladder 15. He was a USMC veteran, Crossfit coach at Crossfit Together and lived in Hyde Park.
They have names, they have families, they have stories. Some of those stories are unraveling for the rest of the World to learn. Help us honor them by partaking in the commemorative WOD today. This WOD was created for Coach Mike “Dork” by his fellow coaches at Crossfit Together. Please join us by participating. There will be a donation jar for those of you who would like to give towards their memorial fund. All monies collected will be given to the Lieutenant Walsh – Firefighter Kennedy Memorial Fund.
An awesome t-shirt was also made in honor of Coach “Dork”. If you would like to purchase one to show your support, click here. All proceeds will go towards benefiting the families of the two fallen heroes.
Saturday 8AM BToasties will jump in with Coach DeDonnos 8am class for a WOD to honor the fallen Boston Firefighters. There will be no separate BT class.
Complete with the class
Rope Climbs
-Challenge yourself by practicing legless + L sit rope climbs
AMRAP 20.14
33 Calories
15 Deadlifts 225/155
4 Rope Climbs