NE Patriots Charitable Foundation


As many of you know, Eric Alexander (EA) is a former player for the New England Patriots. EA has been coming to CFS for quite a while now and is a valued member of our community. EA decided to  take on the challenge of running the Boston Marathon for the New England Patriots charitable foundation. Let’s all pitch in and help him reach his fundraising goal! Even if it is just 5 or 10 dollars, every bit counts! Click here to donate.

Here is more from EA himself…

Hello Crossfit Southie Family!

I know you’ve ALL been wondering where the heck I’ve been the past couple of months! I haven’t moved away or been in winter EA GGhibernation mode.  In December I decided to run the 2013 Boston Marathon.  This will by far be one of my most challenging and amazing athletic feats that I’ve ever undertaken.  I am very excited and looking forward to this awesome challenge!

Work and training has totally taken over my life, thus the reason why I’ve been to the box so sparingly.  My training is going well.  Before I began my marathon training, the most I had ever run was only a 5k.  Now I’m up to just over 13 miles.  I know 26.2 miles is still a long way off in the distance, but every day my confidence grows. Plus I’m a CrossFitter, so I can do anything!

Along with the challenge of running the marathon, I also am faced with the task of raising money for charity.  When I was a member of the New England Patriots, I loved serving the New England community.  And, I made it apart of my weekly routine.  Every week I was out doing some sort of community service, from Thanksgiving basket giveaways to Boston Children’s Hospital visits.  I still continue these efforts through my membership with the New England Patriots Alumni Club and our partnership with the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation.

The NEPCF has been doing some great things in the community and I’m very proud to be running and raising money for them.  I’d love for you to visit my fundraising page whenever you get a second. There, you can find out more about me, how to donate, and about the New England Patriots Charitable Foundation and everything they do. The web address is .

Thank you so much in advance for helping me reach my fundraising goal!


Open Wod 12.2: we will be doing this WOD in partners judged similar to Tuesday

Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Snatches (75/45lbs)
30 Snatch (135/75)
30 Snatch (165/100)
Max Rep Snatch (210/120 lbs)

5 minutes of Ascending Partner Hand Release BURPEES 🙂 – non-judged