Looking for some affordable, 100% grass-fed neef, pastured pork and chicken delivered right to your doorstep? Look no further! Walden Local Meat is the perfect solution! They offer healthy, honest, and sustainable meats of the highest quality from the very best New England farmers. They deliver once a month, with monthly packages start at just $49… including free delivery to most areas in the city! They allow you to indicate your meat preferences to help customize each delivery. They also send along recipe ideas, cooking tips, and the latest info from expert nutritionists with each shipment.
If you’re on the Whole 30, this is a super convenient way to ensure that you’re eating high quality, healthy meat with every meal. Even if you’re not participating in the Whole 30, remember that nutrition is the foundation of our fitness. What we eat matters – and what our food eats matters, too! Stop by the desk to pick up more information on this sustainable meat source, or check out their website at: www.waldenlocalmeat.com

Rowing Efficiency
2x Through
20 Supermans
20 Plank-ups
20 Side Plank raises with a leg raise
20 Jack knives
Every 2 Minutes for 20 minutes complete
250m Row
10 Burpees
Rest the remainder of the time and return to the rower. 10 Burpee pull-ups for every round missed
Level 2- 200m row/8 Burpees
Level 1- 150m row/6 Burpees