Saturday Slugfest

2 rounds w empty barbell
10 OH squats
10 ring dips
10 cleans
10 split jerks
*after first round, load light weight for 2nd round

Work up to a 1RM
Clean and jerk

WOD (25-30 min) – Teams of 2
Run 800m together as a team*
10 Rope Climbs
20 Muscle-ups
30 Overhead Squats
40 Burpee up and over the box jumps
50 Kettlebell Thrusters (1.5,1)
Run 800m together as a team*

Games- (165,110)
Regional- (150,100)
Open (125,85), 40 dead-hang pull-ups, 40 dips

*you cannot start until both partners are in the gym