In Remaining Time… – CFS


CFS Announcement
There will be no BirthFit Class Today

With a light kettlebell
6 min AMRAP
100m Single Arm Overhead Kettlebell Carry (Switch arms at 50m lines)
5 Toes to Kettlebell
15 Kettlebell Swings

Turkish Get-up
10 Alternating Arms at a challenging weight.
ADV- With Barbell or Heavy KB (106/70)

Amy Being Turkish Get-Up’ed

2 Rounds
In 5 Minutes Complete
200m Sandbag Run (4,3)
30 Kettlebell Swings (2,1.5)
In the remaining time
Max Calories on the Ski Erg

Rest 2 Minutes

In 5 Minutes Complete
200m Sandbag Run
30 Toes to Bar
In the remaining time
Max Calories on the Assault Bike

Rest 2 Minutes

Score= Total Calories

Level 2 (1.5,1), 20 Toes to Bar
Level 1 (1, 0.75), 15 toes to Bar, 20,14 medball for run.
ADV – KB Snatch & Toes through Rings

Coaches Note
you should have 90s plus on the rower each time. Scale the KB weight and/or T2B reps if necessary.