Kai’s Village

Make It Count
Make It Count

24th Annual Grafton Gazebo 5 Mile Road Race
And 1.5 mile Fun Walk
Saturday, May 4, 2013 – 10:00AM
Enjoy a day of Family Fun!

Proceeds from the race benefit Kai’s Village, a Grafton based organization whose mission is to support families who are affected by serious illness, by improving the quality of life for them and their families. Kai’s Village will help with meals, household tasks, childcare, and other stresses that families caring for a loved one should not have to worry about. Kai’s Village is currently in the process of filing for non-profit status. If you would like to help or know of a family that could benefit from our service please contact us through our website: www.kaisvillage.org   The organization was founded by the sister of a  good friend of ours, Pat P.  His nephew Kai passed earlier this year.

For more details and/or to sign up for the race, click here.

It would be great if we could get a CrossFit Southie team together.  The course if known to be hilly and challenging.

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the race, click here.


Overhead Squat

3 Rounds

3 minute AMRAP
8 Wallballs (20,14)
8 Up and over the box (24,20)

Rest 1 minute

3 minute AMRAP
8 Hand-release push-ups
8 Alternating Pistols

Rest 1 minute

Score = total completed rounds