There will be no formal 9am class this Friday. All of the coaches are renewing their CPR/AED cert at this time. Feel free to come by and take advantage of the Open Gym.
Just a reminder that the Crossfit Southie Scanvenger Hunt is taking place on October 19th. We will be forming groups based on how far of a distance you want to travel to get those perfect pictures. You can stick near the common, or run to the outer limits of the city…we will have a team for every ability level! Please click here to sign up . Get pumped!
Also, the Anniversary Party will be taking place later that night at the Bell In Hand. The upstairs has been reserved for us so we can get rowdy! Dress code is semi-formal. Its nice to see everybody dressed up and not in sweaty gym clothes, plus we may have a prom photo area set up (just kidding!) but seriously look nice and hopefully you can make it to one if not BOTH of these fun events!
Double Unders
Double WOD
8 minute AMRAP
Ascending Ladder
2 Wallballs
2 Toes to Bar
4 Wallballs
4 Toes to Bar
6 Wallballs
6 Toes to Bar…
Rest 10 Minutes
8 Minute AMRAP
1 Muscle-up
20 Double Unders
L2 – 5 ring dips/10 double unders
L1 – 5 ring dips/20 singles