Hollow Rock Challenge – CFS

Coach Davies Instructing Group
Coach Davies Instructing the Group

This Saturday at 9am we will be holding a rowing efficiency tutorial and some tips on pacing training for the CRASH B’s.  The tutorial will be less than 30 minutes and then the group is encoraged to complete one of the rowing prep Wods for the week.  It would be super awesome if you could make it, especialy if you are signed up for the CRASH B’s!

Hollow Rock – Part 1

Back By Popular Demand… Hollow Rock Challenge!
When most of us think of a solid core or core strength we envision someone with a rock hard six pack. Although an individual may have visible muscles within the abdominal region, it does not necessarily mean that they possess core strength. CrossFit, in and of itself, is a core strength and conditioning program. Mid-line stabilization is essential for functional movement and part of the goal is to develop athletes from the inside out, from the core to extremity. “Much of our work focuses on the major functional axis of the human body, the extension and flexion, of the hips and extension, flexion, and rotation of the torso or trunk. The primacy of core strength and conditioning in this sense is supported by the simple observation that powerful hip extension alone is necessary and nearly sufficient for elite athletic performance.” (CrossFit Training Guide) We can see the importance of hip extension implemented throughout nearly every movement whether it be a push jerk, power clean, snatch, sumo dead-lift high pull, etc. The more power we use from our hips and mid line, the more weight we are able to get up overhead.

That being said, how do we develop our core strength? Think outside the box. Instead of doing endless sit-ups with the abmat, use the GHD machine over in Southie Green, or work on plank progressions by doing them tabata style. Ring push ups are also an amazing way to develop mid line stabilization. The most awesome aspect in striving to develop core strength is that we can work on it within the comfort of our home by simply mastering v-ups before bed, doing plank holds for time, or getting in the weekly dose of hollow rocks while watching our favorite tv episode.

Hollow rocks can practiced multiple times a week to master the movement, which in turn will help you build efficiency in weight-lifting as well as the gymnastic movements. Remember, lack of core development often leads to a predisposition to injury. When the core muscles are weak, we have to work twice as hard when we are engaging them. Do your part. Don’t let your weak mid line hold you back from getting a PR on one of your lifts or from doing a WOD Rx. Get after it! To read more on mid-line stabilization, check out a previous post by Amy here.

To ensure each of you get your weekly dose of core strength work, we are introducing a new and improved Hollow Rock Challenge starting on Tuesday, 1/10! Just like in years past, we will be performing hollow rocks as a group in classes each Tuesday. We will start next Tuesday (1/10) with 10, and we will be adding 10 every Tuesday until we get to 100!

However, new to the challenge this year, you’ll also be able to earn points for hollow rocks completed on your own! We’ve launched a new scoreboard on our website (thanks, Jule!) to allow you to track your hollow rocks. You’ll earn 1 point for every 10 hollow rocks completed each day (max of 10 points per day). So, every time you complete hollow rocks – whether it be 10 or 100 – be sure to log you points. We’ll see who has the most recorded at the end of the challenge!

Check back on Tuesday for a link to the scoreboard and to kick the challenge off with some hollow rocks!


Hollow Rock Part 2

Open WOD 13.1
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
40 Burpees
75/45 pound Snatch, 30 reps
30 Burpees
135/75 pound Snatch, 30 reps
20 Burpees
165/100 pound Snatch, 30 reps
10 Burpees 210/125 pound Snatch, as many reps as possible

For a downloadable PDF of the workout, click here.

Level 2- 75-95-115-135/ 45-55-65-75
Level 1- 30-20-10-5 Burpees 65-75-85-95/ 15-35-45-55

Scores/Comments from 3/7/13