Fri-YAY!…Can’t Wait to Spend the Weekend at Home :/

Can we PLEASE get back to this soon?

AT HOME FITNESS – Check SugarWOD app for coaching videos and download Zoom and click the link —-> for a Virtual Coached WOD at NOON. 

45 on 15 off
High knees
Air squats
Odd object strict press
Odd object bent over row

Butt Kickers
Squat jumps
Odd object overhead hold or HS Hold
Odd object bent over row

2 rounds
1 minute forearm plank
1 min side left
1 min side right
*Challenge yourself to transition between movements without coming down.

Back Squat or Front Squat- 2 Reps

Can sub a goblet squat or hug squat and up the reps to something challenging

Shoulder to Overhead 135|95
100 Double Unders

If doing single arm
30-20-10 split reps between arms

Sub 100 plate hops, can use anything 2-3 inches off the floor

Extra Work
100 Single Arm Overhead Lunges
EMOM 5 Lateral Squat Jumps over your Weight