For a Good Time, Call 21-15-9

Re-Opening Update

The governor’s news conference today crushed our hopes of being able to reopen our indoor facility in a few weeks. There is still a chance that we will be able to start up some outdoor classes in the near future. If this is the case we will do everything we can to make it the full experience, and have already reached out to our landlord about outfitting part of the parking lot.

Tomorrow there is a zoom call with the Mayor for small businesses. We hope is to get more answers then. As soon as we know more we will keep you all informed.

Thank you for your continued support.​

AT HOME FITNESS – Live coached WODs on Zoom at 8am & 530pm today. Check our Class Schedule for all upcoming times. Follow the link in our bio to join—->

Warm Up
50s on 10s off
Scap Push Ups*
Bulgarian SS left
Bulgarian SS right
Plank ups*
Side Hip raises Left*
Side Hip Raises Right*
Step Ups or Box Jumps

*feet on the box if possible

Box Mobility
Child’s pose
Elbows on the Box Thoracic Spine Stretch

Back Squat- 3 Reps
Tempo- 3201

Lower for 3 seconds, spend 2 seconds in the bottom, explode up and a 1 second reset at the top

Shoulder to Overhead 135|95
Box Jumps

If performing Singe Arm, double the reps

ADV – 30|24 Box Jumps

At Home Version
Single Arm Shoulder to Overhead

Split the reps equally between the arm and legs

Extra Work/Core Cash Out
Bicycle abs*
Russian Twists**
Plank Ups
Prisoner Supermans***

*touching both knees = 1
**down and back = 1
***fingers interlocked behind the head