3 rounds of
2 – 3 position snatch*
20 shoulder taps
1 strict muscle up
*Add weight each round
Every 2 Minutes Complete
the prescribed Squat Snatch
0:00 3 @70%
2:00 3 @70%
4:00 3 @75%
6:00 3 @75%
8:00 2 @80%
10:00 2@80%
12:00 1 @90%
14:00 1 @90%
16:00 1 @95%
-Work on speed under the bar and efficiency in the lifts
WOD (15 minute Cap)
50 Snatches (75,55)
40 Handstand Push-ups
30 Thrusters (75,55)
20 Muscle-ups
Regional- 10 Muscle-ups
Open/Masters- 40,30,20,5- Sub 15 Strict Pull-ups and 15 strict dips for mups