Kb warm up –
1 round of
12 kb two handed release swings
10 goblet squats
8 SA snatches
6 windmills
4 arm bars each side
2 Turkish get ups
Add weight and go through again
Back Squat
Straight sets. Warm-up properly and then keep the weight heavy and consistent.
Between sets complete 1 legless rope climb. Work on the efficiency of the kip and speed up the rope. If this is too easy complete in the L-sit position, seated if possible
600m Run
20 Unbroken Chest to Bar Pull-ups
30 Unbroken Kettlebells Swings (2,1.5)
Rest 3 Minutes
600m Run
20/15 Unbroken Ring Dips
25 Unbroken Kettlebells Swings (2,1.5)
Rest 3 Minutes
600m Run
20 Unbroken Box Jumps (rebounding-no break in rhythm)
20 Unbroken Kettlebells Swings (2,1.5)
-Every time a set is broken immediately run 200m.
Open- 15/20-15-10 reps of each