2011 Summer Bay State Games Oly Competition
I know some of you have expressed interest in the Bay State Games previously. They’re coming up soon. Check out the link below for more info and to register.
· Who: Open to all MA residents
· Where: UMass Boston
· When: Sunday, July 10th, 2011
· Why: Why not?
*Important – We will be running a reduced schedule on Sunday July 3rd and July 4th. The plan is to only hold one class each day at 10am. Please post to comments and let us know if you will around to WOD on these days and if these times work or if there is a better time.*
Hand Stand Push Ups/ Ring HSPU’s
T2b/ L-Pull ups
5 Rounds of
200m run
10 HSPUs
15 T2B
5 Rounds of
200m Run
10 T2b/K2E