In 12 minutes:
Row 1000m
then in the remaining time establish a 1 Rep MAX Clean and Jerk
This will be scored as two separate workouts- the time to complete the 1000m Row & the MAX successful weight lifted
Row- Must hold handle until 1000m is completed. 5 second penalty for premature grabbing of the handle before the go or release of handle before the full 1000m is complete on the screen.
Clean and Jerk – Both weights must start on the ground, make contact with the shoulders and then must be completely locked out over head with feet underneath the hips, showing control and full extension. The athlete must confirm each attempt weight with their judge and wait for the judges “good” call before lowering the weight. In order for a lift to be successful the bar/athlete must remain in their lane throughout the entire lift.
“Levers and Pulleys”
20 Toes to Bar
15 Overhead Squats (135,85)
30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Squat Snatches (135,85)
20 Toes to bar
Score will be your finish time. If you do not finish the workout in the 10 minute time cap, one second will be added for each rep not completed.
Toes to bar- both feet must break the plane at the bottom and must simultaneously make contact with the bar within the hands.
Overhead Squat- Hip crease below the knee, full extension at the top with control of the bar. You may squat snatch the first rep.
Chest to bar pull up- arms must be fully extended at the bottom and chest (below the clavicle) must make contact with the bar.
Squat Snatch- one fluid movement is not required. A power snatch into overhead squat is acceptable.
Hip crease below the knee – full extension at the top with control of the bar and feet underneath the hips.
Sit-ups for Toes to Bar
Blue Band to assist with Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Overhead Squats/Squat Snatches (85,55)
Ascending Ladder
10 minute AMRAP of
10 Double Unders
10 Wallballs to a 10ft target (20/14)
20 Double Unders
10 wall balls
30 Double Unders
10 wallball ….
Points will be given for each rep completed within the 10 minute time cap.
Double Unders- Rope passes underneath twice, if you trip on the rope that last double under does not count. Scaled division will complete single unders with the same amount of reps.
Wall Balls – Hip crease below the knee, ball must make contact with the specified target. Cannot play the bounce off a previous rep. Must be completely settled on the ground before next rep. Ball can be picked up and launched from bottom position as long as hip crease is below the knee.
Singles x 2
Wallballs to a 10ft target (14/10)
Day 1 Floater WOD- “Suicide sprint”
Start face down on either side of your bucket with the entire behind the starting line. On the call of “GO” (not 3-2-1) athletes get up and run to first beanbag, pick it up and return to the start and place it in the bucket. Each time the beanbag is placed in the bucket the foot must be over the start line, otherwise a 5 second penalty is added onto the final time. If the athlete misses the bucket they must retrieve the bag and place it in the bucket before they proceed to the next beanbag. Time is called when the last beanbag is placed in the bucket.
The floater can be done at any point during day 1 . It is the athletes choice to decide when to complete the floater during day 1 but the floater should be completed by no later than 3pm.
“Chippedy Do Dah” (13 minute cap)
40 Power Cleans (115,75)
30 Burpee Lateral Jumps
20 Thrusters
10 Power Snatches
Power cleans– elbows in front of the bar, hips, knees and ankles fully extended at the top. At the bottom, shoulders must start above the hips, no rounded back/sloppy starting positions.
Burpee lateral jumps– chest to the ground, should be able to release hands if asked by the judge. Both feet jump over the bar together at the same time. If you skip over, you can re jump. Movement concludes with the jump.
Thrusters– can squat clean the first rep. Hip crease below the knee. Full extension, with control at the top with bar locked out over the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle.
Power snatch– press outs allowed but no contact with the shoulder or head on the way up. Full extension, with control at the top with the bar locked out over the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle. At the bottom, shoulders must start above the hips, no rounded back/ sloppy starting positions.
3 Rounds of
400m Sprint
21 kettlebell swings (1.5/1)
12 pull-ups
Score will be your finish time. If you do not finish the workout in the time cap, one second will be added for each rep not completed.
Kettlebell swings– arms completely locked out overhead with no bend in the arms while the bell is pointed up (no droopy kettlebells) at the top. Bring the kettlebell to you, not your body to the kettlebell.
Pull ups– arms fully extended at the bottom, chin over the bar.
Blue band pull ups
kb weight is the same as Rx
Front Squat Floater
120s to establish a 2RM Front Squat
Bar starts loaded on the rack with the athletes opening weight. Clips are required to be on bar before attempt and required if cleaning off the ground after a missed attempt. Athlete must confirm weight before each attempt with their judge. Both front squats must be completed within the 120 seconds in order to count. Athletes may only make 3 attempts at the most.
There will be a final for the top 16 competitors in the male and female RX division