1 @ a Time – CompetitorWOD


Min 1 – 12/10 Cals Assault Bike
Min 2 – 30 Heavy Dubs
Min 3 – 12 Heavy Wall Ball

Warm up Clean & Jerk

Work up to a heavy 2 rep squat clean. Hands can come off the bar

Partner WOD
5 minute AMRAP
3 Burpee Bar Muscle-ups
20 Double unders
Rest 1 Minute

5 minute AMRAP
2 Power Cleans (225,155)
10 Wallballs
Rest 1 Minute

5 minute AMRAP
5 DB Squat Cleans (70,50)
10 Toes to Bar
Rest 1 Minute

5 minute AMRAP
5 Calorie assault bike
5 Burpee Box jump Overs

1 Partner works at a time. Score=total rounds for each amrap

*scale weights as needed.