Sunday Thrusters Sunday!

We had 18 people in for our 9am Filthy Fifty WOD Saturday.   We are now up and over the 50 member mark after only opening up our doors less than 3 weeks ago.  As a result of our tremendous Saturday turnout, going forward we will be offering  a 10am class in addition to the 9am.   There will not be regularly scheduled classes next Saturday although, as we will be hosting our Grand Opening Celebration.  We will be completing WODs throughout the day so if you would like to participate make sure to e-mail [email protected] and don’t forget to bring your friends.





Level 3

10 Rounds of
5 Thrusters (95/65)
100m sprint

Level 2

10 Rounds of
5 Thrusters (65/45)
100m sprint

Level 1

8 Rounds of
5 Thrusters (5/35)
100m sprint


10 Rounds of
5 Thrusters (2 pood kbs/1.5 pood kbs)
100m sprint