3 Sets of 2 Rounds

AT HOME FITNESS Live coached WOD on Zoom @ 7am, 12PM, 5:30 & 630pm – click the link to join—-> https://zoom.us/j/491227192

In 90s complete
50 High Knees
30s rest

In 90s complete
50 Mountain Climbers
Then AMRAP Scorpions

30s Rest

In 90s Complete
15 Burps
Then AMRAP Supermans

Strength or Accessory
Wall Supported SL Deadlift
3×10 Each Side

3 Sets of:
2 Rounds
10 Burpee Tuck Jumps/ Box Jumps
10 Bent Over Rows or Pull-ups
10 V-ups*

Rest 1 Minute

*Complete 3 sets of 2 rounds with a minute rest in between for a total of 6 Rounds

*V-ups can be scaled to double crunches, Single Leg or Sit-ups

Extra Work
150 Wallballs for time

Find a target 10/9’ target somewhere. Don’t have a medicine ball? 150 Thrusters with an empty barbell, 20|15 lb db’s or odd object.