Partner prowler(90lbs)/yoke(empty) push- 300m
20 barbell thrusters
20 shoulder activators on the bar
2010 CrossFit Games WOD 1
As a team 2 men and 2 women complete:
2 Rounds
70 Thrusters (155,105) (no squat c&j)
50 Chest to Bar pull-ups
100m buddy carry- must switch at 50m mark
one person works at a time except for during the buddy carries.
Rest 10-15 minutes
2010 CrossFit Games WOD 3
Two rounds for time of:
Teams of 4 preferably:
Run 300 meters
15 up and overs (28/24)
15 dumbbell squat cleans (45/25 lb.)
30 Double-Unders
15 Hand Release Push-Ups
15 GHD sit-ups
30 yard lunge
Athletes may not start until the person in front is finished with their station.
**wod 1 – The first workout of the 2010 CrossFit Games found teams confronted with an event that balanced strength and size against speed and body weight ability. Four person teams had to complete two rounds of 70 thrusters (155/105 lb.), 50 ches2bar pullups and a 100meter buddy carry.
Bigger athletes tend to do better on heavy thrusters but worse on pullups,
and they tend to be better at carrying than being carried. That’s right in line with the CrossFit tradition of punishing the specialist, and teams had to be truly balanced to succeed in the workout. After only a few heats it was clear that many teams would have a lot of trouble getting the work done under the time cap. And of course the heat played a role. “We’re used to humidity in Chicago, but this is a different kind of heat,” said Nathan Lamb of Windy CityCrossFit. “The sun just saps you.”
Lamb’s team failed to finish, and when asked about the worst part of the event, he answered with certainty: “Thrusters.”
After the first heats, CrossFit Invictus had the top time (9:57), with the top regional teams still to come in the final heat. That group included CrossFit New England, CrossFit Omaha and CrossFit Apex, with the latter featuring 2009 individual champion Tanya Wagner.
The final heat was a thrilling race right to the line, with CrossFit New England beating CrossFit Central by four seconds (9:43 unofficial) to post the best time of the day. CrossFit Invictus was third in 9:57, rounding out the group up teams who finished under 10 minutes.
**wod 3Perhaps
the most interesting aspect was an innovative pushup standard that required athletes to raise their hands from the floor at the bottom of each rep. Gone are the days when judges have to decide if an athlete “went all the way down.”
With the temperature approaching 95 F, the teams hit the track again, and CrossFit Lions set the pace early with a best time of 18:58. Later, Games veterans Pat Barber and Tamaryn Venter helped CrossFit New Zealand record a fast time of 17:31, but R.A.W. Training topped that with 16:41.
In the final heat, the top boxes went at it, and CrossFit Invictus came out as the early leader but was passed by CrossFit Fort Vancouver during the technical parts of the workout. The team of Nathan Loren, Adam Neiffer, Jessica Core, Marie Rochat, Marissa Rodriguez and Ryan Smith finished in 16:16 to set the best time of the day and retain their overall lead. CrossFit New England crossed the line second in 17:31, followed shortly after by CrossFit Omaha in 17:43.