cleans on squats on cleans on squats

Warm-up – 10 minutes
Sand Bag Warm up
3 rounds of
5 power cleans (72lbs/6 filler bags, 48lbs/4 filler bags)
5 front squats
5 squat clean thrusters

Oly – 20 minutes
5 sets of the complex each ascending in weight of:
Pwr Clean From Hip (high hang) + Pwr Clean From Knee (low hang) + Full Clean From Below Knee

15 minute AMRAP
7 Deadlifts (115/80)
7 Power Cleans
7 Squat Cleans
7 Thrusters

Cash Out
5 min AMRAP for quality of
Ascending ladder of
1 strict t2b
1 strict ball up

Overhead mobility – if you don’t feel comfortable with your arms over your head without weight how are you supposed to support weight up there?  Spend 20+ minutes mobilizing your overhead postiion