Now watch the video again and look for the KFP video bomb during the overhead lunges
With a partner –
2 rounds of
5 single kb snatches and 5 kb windmills each arm
Other partner hits world’s greatest stretch on the right leg
Partners switch roles
2 rounds of
5 double arm kb snatches
5 overhead double kb walking lunges
Other partner hits world’s greatest stretch on the right leg
Partners switch roles
High Bar Box Squat with bands
In-between each set perform a set of max HSPU’s
If you can do more than 10, add/increase the deficit.
4 Rounds
10 double arm power snatches
20 double arm overhead lunges (10 each leg; can be done walking or in place)
15 T2B
Games – (1.5/1)
Regional – (1.25/.75)
Open – general class WOD
After Party
With a partner
20 MB GHD MedBall toss (14/10)
20 hip/back extensions (14/10)
Switch partners
15 MB GHD MedBall toss
15 hip/back extensions
Switch partners
10 MB GHD MedBall toss
10 hip/back extensions
Switch partners