Warm up
2 minutes of 11ft wallballs
Athletes Choice –
Spend 15 minutes walking on your hands and/or overhead mobility
WOD 1 – 12 minute hard cap; scale accordingly
Seven rounds for time of:
7 Push jerk
7 Chest to bar pull-ups
7 Burpees
Rest 10 minutes
WOD 2 – 12 minute hard cap; scale accordingly
3 Rounds
30 Wallballs @ 11ft (20,14)
10 Power Snatch
Games/Regional – (155/105); (115/80)
Open – (135/95); (95/65)
CA$H Out
With a partner:
Tabatta L-sit holds (try and make each one perfect)
Switching every 20s interval
Ex. 20s partner A
10s rest
20 partner B
10s rest
20s partner A…
Notes – l-sits can be done on the rings – perfect l-sit is with the feet pointed straight ahead and above or in line with the hip and knee; locked out, shoulders back and down and stacked on top of the hips.