Southie Spotlight – August Achievements!

Raj Crushing Muscle-Ups

August Achievements
Congratulations on all of your August Accomplishments and closing out this summer with a bang! We can’t wait to see what September brings! If we missed a PR please let us know, we love to celebrate your progress! Scroll down to check out the Achievement board and our updated Deadlift, “Helen” and “Kelly” leader-boards!

Small Saturday Sweat!
Looking to get a WOD in with a smaller group this Saturday? Check out our L1/L2 classes in Southie Orange. It’s the same great class without the crowd! Class times are at 9:30AM and 10:30AM. After class stay to mobilize with us! Every Saturday at noon we offer an additional mobility class in Southie Green at Noon. Give your muscles some TLC after a long week of WODS! We’ll see you there!

From 0:00 – 3:00
5 Med Ball Front Squats with 2 second pause at the bottom
10 Seated Strict Press
10 Bent Over Row

3:00-4:00 Rest

4:00 – 7:00
5 Med Ball Thruster
10 Push Press
10 Shoulder Activator

Shoulder Girdle

2 Push-presses (85-95%)

From 0:00-6:00
3 Rounds
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
15 Wallballs

6:00-8:00 Rest

At 8:00
3 Rounds
15 Shoulder to Overhead (115|75)
15 Wallballs

Level 2- (95|55)
Level 1- (75|35)
ADV – (30|20) Medball

Coaches note – It’s okay if you do not finish the first piece in 6 mins. Get as much done as you are able in the 6 minutes and rest up for the 2nd piece which is for time 🙂

Extra Work
Assault Bike
3 sets
2 min Moderate pace
1 min Easy pace
1 min Fast pace
1 min Easy pace
-Rest 1:00 b/t sets-