Reebok Shopping Opportunity


We will be running a reduced schedule on Monday with All Levels classes in Southie Green at 530, 630, 9,11, 12, 4,5,6 & 7pm only. 630pm CTX will be held in Southie Orange but all other Southie Orange classes including the 6am CTX class are cancelled.

Reebok Shopping Discount!
New Year, New Gear! Reebok has extended a special discount for our CFS members! From now until February 12th you can show this flyer at The Reebok Seaport location and receive 50% off of your total purchase! Happy Shopping everyone!


4 Minutes
Bike/Ski Erg/Air Runner or Jump Rope

Then 2 Rounds
:45 on/:15 off
Burpee Med ball Ground to Overhead
Med ball Deadlift
Med ball Thrusters

2 Rounds
1:30 work/:30 Rest & Rotate
1. Ski Erg
2. DB Devils Press 50|35
3. Bike
4. Deadlift 225|155
5. Wallball
6. Air runner- Sub 300m run or Double Unders
Rest 2 Minutes

*Coaches Note* On the Db Burpee GTOH be sure to get your center of mass over the db’s and drive with your legs.

Score= total reps. Double unders/5. If you run outside your 300m= 14 Calories/reps. If you beat the 90s you can add 1 calorie for every 5 seconds you beat the clock. Example 300m in 1:15= 17 points

Level 2- 185|125, 40|25
Level 1- 135|95, 30|15

Extra Work
3 Power Cleans