Save the Date!
Our annual holiday cocktail party will be held on Saturday, December 6 at the Good Life Bar! Please join us for some appetizers, drinks, dancing, and fun! The bar will be reserved for us from 7:00-10:00pm, and the DJ will start at around 8pm. Please try to arrive early to avoid the cover charge later in the evening. All are welcome and we hope you can all join us to celebrate the holiday season and a year of hard work! If you’ve never been to a CFS social event before, this is an awesome way to meet some new people and to get to know your WOD buddies outside of the gym. It’s always a good time! So mark those calendars, save the date, get ready to party .. and don’t forget to dress to impress! Formal attire is highly encouraged.
What: CFS Holiday Cocktail Party
When: December 6th @ 7pm
Where: The Good Life Bar
Who: YOU!
Power Snatch
7 Minute AMRAP
10 Power Snatches (95,65)
40 Double Unders
Rest 5 Minutes
21 Burpee Lateral Jumps
18 Overhead Squats (95,65)
15 Burpee Lateral Jumps
12 Overhead Squats
9 Burpee Lateral Jumps
6 Overhead Squats
3 Burpee Lateral Jumps
Level 2 – (75,55), 20 Double Unders
Level 1 – (65,35), 10 double Under Attempts/15-12-9-6-3