Save the Date: Bring a Friend Day Saturday April 25th
Do you have a friend, significant other, or family member that keeps hearing you blab about CrossFit all the time? Now is your chance to show them what it is all about! Bring them to our next Bring a Friend Day workout on Saturday, April 25th. You’ll partner with your buddy for a the workout and work with them, cheer them on, and show them what CrossFit is all about! No prior experience with CrossFit is necessary and no advanced registration required. Please just show up a few minutes early to fill out a waiver.
What: Bring a Friend Day
When: Saturday, April 25th at 9:30 and 10:30am
Who: You and your buddy!
Time Trial
1000m Row
Partner WOD
20 Minute AMRAP
5 Thrusters (115,75)
10 Box Jump Overs
15/12 calorie Row
Level 2 – (95,65), 12/10 calorie row
Level 1 – (75,35), 7 box jumps 10/8 calorie row
*One partner works at a time Each round should take you ~2 minutes. If it takes you longer scale the reps/cals/weight
Conditioning Class: WOD
6 Rounds
300m Row
20 Calories on Airdyne
Rest 1 minute
Conditioning Class: Core
1:00 Forearm Plank
Rest 30 seconds
1:00 Right Side Plank
Rest 30 seconds
1:00 Left Side Plank
Rest 30 seconds
1:00 Forearm Plank