Partner Up!
P1- Row 250/200m
P2- Med ball Knee Tucks
P1- Row 250/200m
P2-Med ball Hamstring Curls
P1- Row 250/200m
P2- Med ball seated chops (Low to high – switch sides every 5)
L-sit on Parallettes*
*With a partner accumulate 2 minutes each. Time each other and accumulate a “true” L-sit for 10-20s intervals until you have completed 2 minutes.
1000m Row
50 Med ball Sit-ups
15 Strict Pull-ups
1000m Row
40 Med ball Sit-ups
20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
1000m Row
30 Med ball Sit-ups
30 Kipping Pull-ups
Level 2- 10-15-20 Pull-up Reps
Level 1- 15 Ring Rows, 20 Banded Pull-ups, 30 jumping pull-ups, unweighted sit-ups
Med Ball Sit Up Demo By Coach D & Chad
Extra Work
Snatch Complex
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Overhead Squat