Increased Massage Hours
We have new massage thearapist coming on to fill some hours. Meg will be doing Friday’s starting 10/30 from 10:30-2:30. As always first time rate is $60
Natalie will also be starting Wednesday’s on 12/2. 10-4:00 and Sean will do 4:30-8
Reebok Shopping Spree!
Do you want access to Reebok Headquarters’ store in Canton, MA to shop and receive 50% off of the WHOLE STORE?! Normally, only Reebok employees have access to this store and these great deals. Reebok has graciously invited the whole CrossFit Southie community to come shop and save THIS WEEK ONLY. You’ll need a special pass to get in, so be sure to swing by the front desk to grab yours!
2 for 1 Wallballs
4 Rounds
20 Box Jump Overs
30 Wallballs
40/30 Calorie Row
Rest 2 Minutes
Level 2- 20-20-30/20
Level 1-15-15-20/15
Conditioning Class: WOD
Calories on Airdyne
Conditioning Class: Core
3 Rounds
10 Hip Extensions, immediately into max isometric hold
Rest as needed between sets