Just a reminder: All 14.4 scores must be submitted to the Games site by 8pm tonight (Monday). No exceptions! Get those scores in… we’ll see you on the Leaderboard!
Our latest Whole 30 Challenge is complete, and we’ve got some winners to announce! For those who are unfamiliar, the Whole 30 is essentially an extremely strict adaptation of the Paleo diet: No sugar, grains, dairy, legumes, alcohol, or processed foods for 30 days. Unlike a typical Paleo challenge, you do not simply lose points for a cheat. On the Whole 30 you have to start over completely! 30 uninterrupted days of perfect eating. At the end of this 30 day cleanse, you have a much better understanding of how certain foods can affect our body and how you feel. Completing the Whole 30 is very difficult task in itself, and we want to give major props to everyone who stuck through it this time around. Way to go! We’d love to hear from you in the comments about your experiences and how you felt during and after the Whole 30.
Everyone who participated in the challenge had great results, but we had two stand out performances. Both of these winners had a perfect food log – that means absolutely NO cheats for a full 30 days! They also saw drastic improvements in their weights, baseline measurements, and workout performances. Though the beginning of the challenge was especially tough, they stuck with it. They did their best to keep a positive attitude, and at the end they reported that they felt better all around. We are very proud of their efforts and are happy to crown them as winners this time around!
Female Winner: Amanda “Ca$h” Casione
Prize: $120 + Southie T-Shirt
Weight loss: 6 pounds
% Weight Loss: 4%
Waist: – 2 inches
Hips: – 2 inches
Thighs: -.5 inches
“Jackie”: Down 1 minute 10 seconds!
Thruster: +10 pounds
We couldn’t be happier for Cash and her results. Before the Whole 30 started, Cash was admittedly struggling to make it into the gym consistently and was frustrated with her performance. Throughout the Whole 30, she showed up to the gym multiple times a week and saw drastic improvements. For example, one of her goals for the Whole 30 was to improve her pull-up game. She went from no chest to bar pull ups before the Whole 30 started to completing 63 reps on 14.2! She has also decided to extend the challenge to a Whole 90… 90 days! We can’t wait to see her results. Way to go, Cash!
Male Winner: Derek Davies
Prize: $120 + Southie T-Shirt
Weight loss: 12 pounds
% Weight Loss: 6.4%
Waist: – 3.25 inches
Hips: – 2.5 inches
Thighs: -.25 inches
“Jackie”: Down 2 minutes 14 seconds!
Thruster: +10 pounds
We are thrilled to announce Derek as one of our winners. If you talked to Derek during the beginning of his Whole 30, you’ll know that the adjustment was not an easy one. Though he’s a very social guy, Derek was able to resist temptation and stay away from drinking on the weekend for a whole month – easier said than done! Derek was also extremely active on the Whole 30 Support Group page on Facebook – providing humor, encouragement and support to everyone participating in the challenge. He’s also been crushing it in the gym lately: one of his goals was to switch from L1 to L2 on most workouts. Now he can frequently be seen crushing WODs as Rx! Nice work, Derek!
Do these results inspire you? Or are you bummed that you missed out on the Whole 30 this time around? Fear not, another challenge is coming! The next Paleo challenge will kick off on April 6. Below are some important dates, so mark your calendars and get excited!
Paleo Lecture: Thursday March 27, 7pm
Weigh-ins & Measurements: Tuesday April 1st & Thursday April 3rd, 5-7pm
Fran: Monday, March 31st
Max Clean & Jerk: Tuesday, April 1st
1 Mile Run: Thursday, April 3rd
Christine: Friday, April 4th
3 Rounds not for time:
20 Hollow Rocks
Followed immediately by a 30 second plank
Front Squat
5 Rounds
10 Squat Cleans (135,95)
10 Pull-ups
Level 2- 115,75
Level 1- 95,45, 4 Rounds