Southie Spotlight!
It’s Spotlight Time!! Member achievements are a big deal and we love celebrating your hard work. Don’t forget your highlights get posted on Instagram each and every Friday! Scroll down to see your September Member Achievements. If you or someone you know got a PR in the month of September and we missed it please let us know!! Keep up the great work everyone!
Box Announcement
Going Forward Pre-natal BirthFit class will move to 7am and Post Partum will be held also on Tuesdyas at 10am. There will be no BirthFit class on Thursdays.
Partner Up!
Partner A: Row 40/30 Calories
Partner B: Stretch with PVC
Overhead Squat
Calorie Row x5/4
Squat Snatch (135,95)
Level 3 (115,75)
Level 2 (95,55) Calorie Row x4/3
Level 1 Power Snatch (75,35), Calorie Row x3/2
ADV- 165,110
Bike/Ski Sub x 4/3
*Coaches Note: This Weight should be challenging for the Snatches. If the whole workout is going to be rowing for you, cut down the rowing cals.